
I Believe


2 min read

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

1. As August begins with the Full Moon in Aquarius, you Pisces, might find yourself reflecting on your personal beliefs and philosophies. Is there a unique online platform where you could share these, perhaps through art, music, or storytelling?

2. The Nodes transitioning into Aries and Libra could highlight your creative projects and social networks. In light of rising living costs, finding innovative ways to bring your artistic endeavors to fruition without sacrificing social connections could be vital.

3. Pluto squaring the Nodes from Capricorn adds a transformative touch to your financial resources and self-worth. With economic shifts around, you might feel the need to reassess your financial strategies and the value you place on material stability.

4. The Full Moon in Pisces at the end of the month may reveal hidden feelings about your identity and self-perception. It's a good time to confront these emotions and redefine who you are in this changing economic context.

5. Romance could bloom, perhaps with someone who appreciates your emotional depth and creativity, and understands the current financial realities.

6. The monetization trend in social media could open up new income opportunities. Your natural talent for creating beautiful, emotionally engaging content could find an eager audience, generating potential revenue.

7. Under Pluto's transformative influence, a shift in your lifestyle is possible. Whether that's adopting more economical habits or finding creative ways to make resources last longer, you can maintain a comfortable lifestyle amidst economic shifts.

8. The double Full Moons this August symbolize endings and beginnings. Your beliefs and self-perception may evolve, reflecting the broader societal changes.

9. As the Nodes transition, balancing your creative expression and social life, especially in light of economic shifts, will be crucial.

10. Pluto's transformative energy might trigger a deep reassessment of your financial security and personal values. It's not just about weathering these changes but evolving through them.

11. The Full Moon in Pisces may inspire you to share your unique perspective on managing personal identity amidst economic shifts. Your voice, whether through writing or artistic expression, can offer valuable guidance to others.

12. Lastly, the Nodes' reset will push you towards introspection. Reflect on your journey through these societal shifts, particularly regarding your creative, social, and financial sectors.

Even though Saturn, the taskmaster planet, is in your sign, it doesn't have to be a negative influence. On the contrary, Saturn can provide you the discipline and structure you need to actualize your dreams. August brings transformation, growth, and introspection, and with Saturn's guidance, you are equipped to navigate these changing times in a grounded yet compassionate manner.