Capricorn Taurus Virgo

Realistic | Practical | Useful

Snakes & Ladders

With the north node entering dynamic and independent Aries an expected surge of small business efforts will occur ranging from simple online business ideas to more complex initiatives. Money matters may also be affected; a resurgence of ownership in cryptocurrencies could follow as people feel the effect of putting into action the necessity to be the master of their own monetary investments in as many ways possible due to the various economic challenges occurring.

An expected surge in refugees and their efforts to relocate.

Continued changes in the global monetary system will impact various aspects of the economy, including the availability of credit, investment opportunities, consumer spending and the values of different global currencies. The overall stability of the global economy is in flux dependent on numerous variables that will continue to change rapidly and unpredictably as Pluto pivots through Aquarius then retrogrades back through the last degrees of Capricorn.

painting of planet
painting of planet